RFA Talk > Gratitude

I am sitting here thinking how grateful I am to have found RFA and this way of life and to be abstinent from the addictive substances of sugar, flour, and wheat. It is such a wonderfjul feeling to go through the holidays abstinent. I can enjoy the people, parties, etc. without feeling the shame and guilt that I used to feel all of the time.

The real miracle of this program is not only not eating but not wanting to eat. We have a solution, an abstinent food plan and the 12 steps of recovery. That's an unbeatable combination for living

.Love to all of you.
Mary Rose

December 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMary Rose

Hi Mary Rose,
I used to be in your RFA groupin Houston. I moved back to La. in 2005. We tried to form a group then but it didn't last. As far as I know there isn't one now. I want to get back inand need info to do so. Would love to hear from you. I can come to Houston to get started. Tell Aileen hello. Cyndi

February 21, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercyndi

Mary Rose you hit it on the nose. I to am so grateful for what RFA has given me, hope and the obsession to want to binge to cover up my feelings and to check out of life has been removed. Love seeing you all at the meetings and thanks for the phone call Sunday.
Love and Hugs Jo Anna

August 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJo Anna