Hi Jenn,
Welcome! This has been a life saving program for me. It's improved not only my physical self, but my mental and spiritual self as well. And it has become the stable base from which I live, making that living all the better.
I'm happy to help you if you like. Please call me at 713-724-1471 or email me at kelly.levitt@gmail.com.
Good luck Jen. I see that Kelly will get you in touch with a sponsor and I think this will be a turning point in your life. I know it was for mine. I have been abstinent for a little over a year now and see or want no other way to live. You are on your way to success, good luck and if you need any other help my email is dcarroll19@comcast.net.
hi Jenn,
Feel free to contact me...
Glad you are here. This is the way to freedom!
test post
Welcome to RFA! I am so grateful for the freedom that I have found in this program. Life is infinitely richer for me now. Feel free to call me! 404-909-1268
Love, Alison
In search of a sponsor to help me with getting started with the program and the meal plan.I have been reading and researching what I could and I've also placed a recent order for the book as well. I am excited and ready to make a life changing journey.....Thanks and hope to hear back from someone soon!!