RFA Talk > Hello

Just want to check in and say Hi-- May is month for monitoring our loop. Have to share that yesterday was my 19th year anniversary being free of bulimia and starve-binge eating!!!! So weird how just one day at a time somehow adds up to 19 years!

Much love and care for all----

Mary Jean from Atlanta--

May 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMary Jean

Congratulations Mary Jean!

Every day in this program is a miracle for me. I still can't believe all the food we can eat. Last night I measured my 4 oz. of chicken. Then when I sat down to eat it, it looked like so much. I thought, I better measure this again. When I did, it was slightly less than 4 oz.

In this program we eat to lose weight rather than diet to lose weight.

I love the line in the Food Addiction Book that says, "you never have to go on a diet again."


May 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMary Rose

Congratulations Mary Jane!

WOW, 19 years... you are an inspiration!!

Today is my first day here and I'm grateful for RFA and this forum / site.

Big hugs!!

Sue ~ Florida

May 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSue ~ Florida