RFA Talk > a cinch by the inch

Hi all,
Hope you are doing well. I was just out for a short walk and the night is lovely, warm and humid with the sun shining out through the clouds in the lovliest shade of orange.
These are the little things that I can enjoy today as one of the many benefits of abstinence.
Another is finally realizing that keeping the kitchen clean is hard by the yard but a cinch by the inch! For about a week now I've been emptying the dishwasher right away so that it is ready for the new dirty dishes. Guess what? the kitchen has been tidy all week with no emergency cleaning marathons and no frustration over how I am going to prepare food with no counter space! A victory for doing things little by little, one day at a time.
thanks for all of your support, for being here and staying abstinent!


June 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKasey in Atlanta