RFA Talk > Happy Independence Day

Hi Everyone,
A little tardy with the message, but I wanted to say Happy Independence Day, both for the freedoms we enjoy as Americans and for the (in my opinion greater) freedoms we enjoy as people who have been freed from the grip of addictive eating and addictive illness.

I recently read that coming to recovery is only making a decision not to die. The decision to live is a separate and distinct decision. Without the physical abstinence that I have gained on the food plan and the spiritual recovery I gain from the 12 Steps, I never would have been able to make the decision to live. Feeling a lot of gratitude for whatever urged me to chose not to die as well, for that was the first step for me.

Thanks to everyone who reads here and posts here for contributing to the Recovery from Food Addiction program. I can't do it without all of you.
Kasey in Atlanta

July 5, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKasey in Atlanta