RFA Talk > Trying something new
Hi Kasey!
I agree, without your Steps coupled with the program recovery would only bebe limited to food. Therefore, only the physical symptoms of our disease would be addressed and not the emotional aspect that cause I'd to be hard on ourselves and sink into a negative pit damaged emotions.
Thanks for your Kasey!
Thanks, Kasey! I am so grateful for your recovery! I am sure that the positive way you handled this spoke in a powerful way to the insurance folks, neighbors and your employer and co-workers. I have found that when I am accepting and loving of myself when I make mistakes - and also accept my responsibility and make any necessary amends - that it frees others around me to do the same. They "breathe easier" and feel more comfortable when they make mistakes. Just by abstaining from negative self-talk and self-blame and accepting my limitations I can be a channel of God's accepting love to those around me. Congratulations on putting the principles of the program in action!
Hey y'all,
As I mentioned a couple of days ago, I had a mishap with the washer and got some water damage in my apartment and my neighbor's place downstairs. The past three days have been a flurry of meeting cleanup people, talking to insurance, getting an asbestos test and communicating to my neighbors what is happening. I've been missing a lot of work and while my employer is understanding, today I thought it would be nice to have a helper, like a husband, to do some of this for me....
Well, I've had that thought before. Before this most recent spiritual awakening. It would end up with me at the bottom of a deep dark hole, receiving a thorough lashing from myself about not being good enough, if only I weren't so selfish and self-centered, if only I thought of someone besides myself sometimes....I could go on, but why?
The most remarkable thing happened today. I didn't even beat myself up and I said that that was then and today I'm doing something different. I'm changing the things I can.
I don't think I would be able to have an increasing understanding of what is mine to change without these Steps and abstinence. And I wouldn't be able to let God do what is his. I'd just be stuck in addictive illness.
So grateful today.
thanks for all of you.