RFA Talk > In Memoriam
Hi Robin,
Thank you for sharing this with us, what an awesome legacy. We pray strength for her loved ones and may her soul rest in perfect peace...

Thanks for sharing the news. So sorry for the loss of your friend and partner in recovery. I'm grateful for everyone who has gone before me and paved the way.

Thanks so much for sharing this news, Robin. I will keep her family and friends in my prayers. I am grateful for her service. Love, Alison

Please extend my deepest sympathies to her family and all our RFA Fellows in Canada that knew and loved Bernice. I never had the opportunity to meet her face to,face, but we did speak on the phone numerous times. I spoke to her a few months ago, and we had a very good conversation. She had endured some personal challenges and had remained abstinent through them all. What a legacy she has left for us all. She raised the bar on abstinence and commitment. Let us strive to follow her stellar example. Bernice touched many lives, and will live on in the hearts and the ongoing programs of recovery. Great job, Bernice. Peace. Aliene A.

Just a note to say, for those who may not have heard, that a very long term member of RFA, who brought the program to Canada fifteen years ago, and has been a well-loved power of example for abstinence-based recovering people in Ontario ever since, Bernice L. passed away in early hours of Janaury 5th, and will be sorely missed. She was in her eighties, and often creditied the food plan with extending her life by many years. We miss her already.