RFA Talk > Stains
How true!! It is so helpful to have a reminder of what life used to be like. Posts like yours help me combat the built in amnesia of food addiction! I need to listen every week in meetings to remember how awful the demoralizing bondage to sugary, salty, fatty foods and volume eating is. I am so grateful to be free from the non-stop chatter in my head and yes, from most of the stains on my clothes!
Hi Cathy!
Too funny, I think we all have our stains stories. It is such a blessing to not have to rush, sneak and hide the food, no more stains! For that I am so grateful... :+)
thank you for sharing this. I too remember all the stained shirts of the past. In fact I was so large and eating so quickly I was always ruining my new clothes. In fact I was always buying new cllothes because I was so unhappy with the way I looked and felt all the time.My new life in recovery is such a blessing.
Before abstinence, I was always ruining shirts. I thought it was so strange that they got stained so easily. I was always buying cheap t-shirts because for some crazy reason, they didn't last long. It's like shirts were disposable. I wore one a few times, and then mysteriously it was too stained to wear out again. I blamed my little children. Yeah, it was because I would hold them with greasy, dirty hands. Light bulb! I just realized that I was staining my clothes when bingeing - dropping greasy, sticky goo that I was shoving in my mouth quickly, hoping not to get caught. Even when eating a meal at the table with my family, I would eat so fast that I often dropped food on the front of my shirt and scraped it up with my spoon or fork...didn't want to waste a drop, you know. But now, I hardly ever drop food on my shirt, and when I do, it isn't greasy or sticky anyway! No stains!