Thanks, Cathy! I do need boundaries!
Don't we all! And what I find reassuring in this passage is that the boundaries make for a pleasant place to thrive. I have found that to be true in this program. Weighing and measuring all my food, excluding certain foods/products, attending meetings, and working the steps may seem extreme and/or restrictive to some, but they are life saving boundaries for me and put me in a safe, loving place that is indeed pleasant...and is providing a delightful inheritance:)
God, You assign me my portion and my cup; You make my lot secure. The boundary lines for me fall in pleasant places; I have a delightful inheritance.
This affirmation comes from verses 5 & 6 and I just love it:) It reinforces my belief that boundaries are good for me and that I am secure in the hands of my HP and this food plan. Not only am I secure, but it's pleasant and delightful!
Life worth living:)