Hi Chant,
Glad you found the website. You are right about the disease killing you; nothing personal, that's just what it does.
Feel free to contact me at 678-923-9452.
We have face to face meetings listed, check out the link.
You can also dial in to our phone meetings on Monday at 7central, Saturday at 430p Eastern and Friday at 8p Eastern.
Pick up Kay Sheppard's book "Food Addiction: The body Knows" and read it all.
Call me.
You can do this; we can help you.

You can call me as well at 404-277-6067. If a cannot answer leave a voicemail and I will call you back as soon as possible.
Steve in Atlanta

Hi Chant,
When I was last “in the food” I described it as slow motion suicide. That is exactly how it felt and what it is to be at the mercy of our food addiction and trapped in that hell. Please reach out. We want to hear from you. There is a way out. Hang in there!

Hi Chant,
Just wanted to update my phone number with you. 678 472 3501.
Give me a call.

Just wanted to let you know we are meeting on zoom now for several meetings. Check the website or email rfaatlanta@gmail.com for more info.
Hope you are doing well.
678 472 3501

I need help and have no idea where to start. This disease will literally kill me if I don't get the help I need.